


[ root @ testdb:/# ]供pvcreate/dev/rdsk/c2t1d4#使用的字符设备

physical volume/dev/rdsk/C2 t1 D4 hasbeensuccessfullycreated。

[ root @ testdb:/# ]使用vgcreatevgora/dev/dsk/c2t1d4#块设备

increasedthenumberofphysicalextentsperphysicalvolumeto 50431。

vgcreate:volume group/dev/vgoracouldnotbecreated :


extentsizeordecreasemax _ PVS/max _ lvsandtryagain。

[ root @ testdb://# ] diskinfo/dev/rdsk/c2t1d 4

SCSI describe of /dev/rdsk/c2t1d4:

vendor: HITACHI

product id: DF600F

类型: direct access

size: 206569472 Kbytes

bytes per sector: 512

一个PE Size的默认大小为4M,so…4m * 50431=201724 m 201728 m ( 206569472/1024 ),因此为了增大PE的大小,设定PE Size=32M。

[ root @ testdb://# ] vgcreate-s32 VG ora/dev/dsk/c2t1d 4

increasedthenumberofphysicalextentsperphysicalvolumeto 6303。

volume group/dev/vgorahasbeensuccessfullycreated。

volumegroupconfigurationfor/dev/vgorahasbeensavedin/etc/LVM conf/VG ora.conf

[ root @ testdb:/# ] lvcreate-l40g-nlvoraclevgora #无法识别G.so.delete

[ root @ testdb:/# ] lvcreate-l80g-nlvoradatavgora

[ root @ testdb://# ] lvremove/dev/VG ora/LV Oracle

[ root @ testdb://# ] lvremove/dev/VG ora/LV oradata

[ root @ testdb://# ] lvcreate-l 40960 m-nlvoraclevgora

[ root @ testdb:/# ] lvcreate-l 81920 m-nlvoradatavgora

[ root @ testdb:/# ]刷新vgdisplay-vv gora #信息。

[ root @ testdb:/# ]必须使用newfs-Fv xfs/dev/VG ora/LV Oracle #字符设备,其中一个字符带有r。 ( (用于带r的原始设备,不带r的用于文件系统。 )

UX:vxfs newfs:error:v-3-21623:/dev/VG ora/lvoracleisnotacharacterdevice

[ root @ testdb://# ] newfs-Fv xfs/dev/VG ora/RLV Oracle

[ root @ testdb://# ] newfs-Fv xfs/dev/VG ora/RLV oradata

[ root @ testdb://# ] mkdir-p/Oracle/testdb/Oracle

[ root @ testdb://# ] mkdir-p/Oracle/testdb/oradata

[ root @ testdb://# ] mount/dev/VG ora/LV Oracle/Oracle/testdb/Oracle

[ root @ testdb://# ] mount/dev/VG ora/LV oradata/Oracle/testdb/oradata



在[root@testdb:/#] vi /etc/fstab #中添加以下内容:

/dev/VG ora/LV Oracle/Oracle/testdb/oraclevxfsdelaylog 02

/dev/VG ora/LV oradata/Oracle/testdb/oradatavxfsdelaylog 02

[root@testdb:/#] mount -a

[ root @ testdb://# ]增大lvextend-l 92160 m/dev/VG ora/LV oradata # LV大小

[ root @ testdb://# ] extend fs-Fv xfs/dev/VG ora/LV oradata # file system无法联机操作。 需要umount操作

UX:vxfsextendfs:error:v-3-20144:/dev/VG ora/lvoradataismounted,cannot extend。

[ root @ testdb:/# ] fsadm-Fv xfs-b 92160 m/Oracle/testdb/oradata #使用fsadm联机操作。

UX:vxfs fsadm:info:v-3-25942:/dev/VG ora/rlvoradatasizeincreasedfrom 8386080 sectors to 94371840 sectors

[ root @ testdb://# ] umount/Oracle/testdb/oradata

[ root @ testdb://# ] lvreduce-l 81920 m/dev/VG ora/LV oradata

root @ testdb://# ] mount/dev/VG ora/LV oradata/Oracle/testdb/oradata

UX:vxfs mount:error:v-3-24706:/dev/VG ora/lvoradatanosuchdeviceorfilesystemonitmissingoneormoredevices

[ root @ testdb://# ] newfs-Fv xfs/dev/VG ora/RLV oradata #只能这样了。 但是,这样里面的数据就没有了。

[ root @ testdb:/# ] newfs-olargefiles-Fv xfs/dev/VG ora/RLV oradata #最多支持2G,在不添加-o的情况下支持128G。

[root@testdb:/#] mount -a

[ root @ testdb:/dev/VGA sm # ] pvcreate/dev/rdsk/c2t1d 3

pvcreate:couldnotperformlvmoperationonvxvmdisk/dev/rdsk/c2t1d 3。

使用-f参数强制执行[ root @ testdb:/dev/VGA sm # ] pvcreate-f/dev/rdsk/c2t1d3#

physical volume/dev/rdsk/C2 t1 D3 hasbeensuccessfullycreated。

[ root @ testdb:/dev/VGA sm # ] vgextendvgora/dev/dsk/c2t1d 3

[ root @ testdb:/dev/VGA sm # ] vgreducevgora/dev/dsk/c2t1d 3

详情请访问云服务器、域名注册、虚拟主机的问题,请访问西部数码代理商官方网站: www.chenqinet.cn
